Register with MDES and file for your unemployment benefits online.
You may register and file your claim for unemployment benefits online. If you do not have access to a computer, you may use the computers at the public libraries in your community. The WIN Job Centers also have computers you may use to register and file your claim. To find the WIN Job Center nearest you, click here.
New Users Sign Up Here
File Weekly Certification Here
You will be required to provide these five things to complete your application to receive unemployment assistance:
- 1Your Social Security number
- 2The names, addresses, and phone numbers for all your employers for the last eighteen (18) months
- 3Alien Registration number or Visa number, if you are not a U.S. citizen
- 4Your complete mailing address and phone number
- 5The dates you worked and the reason you left each employer

Mobile App Available
2 File UI is the mobile access point for the Mississippi Department of Employment Security’s online reemployment assistance system. Registered users can file their weekly certification and work search details through this app. Get this app for your mobile device by using one of the buttons below.

Once you have registered and filed your unemployment, it's a good time to look for a job. Here's how to get started.
To Find a job now, click here.