The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
WIOA was signed into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job candidates access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. This is the first legislative reform of the public workforce system in more than 15 years.
Click here to download and view the full text of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
MDES and other agencies involved in preparing the workforce in Mississippi are working to implement the provisions of WIOA statewide. Information regarding the Act will be posted on this page in coming months. Please see below.
WIOA Updates
To access the planning process for Mississippi Works: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), click here.»
Notice of Two Public Hearings of the State Workforce Investment Board in Planning the State’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Proposal. Click here»
A list of WIOA related Training and Employment Guidance Letters (TEGLs) may be accessed at»
Overview of WIOA
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), which supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), presents an extraordinary opportunity to improve job and career options for our nation’s workers and job candidates through an integrated, job-driven public workforce system that links diverse talent to businesses. It supports the development of strong, vibrant regional economies where businesses thrive and people want to live and work.
The revitalized workforce system will be characterized by three guiding principles: |
Workforce solutions are driven by the needs of businesses and workers; |
WIN Job Centers provide excellent customer service to job candidates and employers and focus on continuous improvement; and |
The workforce system supports strong regional economies and plays an active role in community and workforce development. |
Across the system, continuous improvement is supported through evaluation, accountability, identification of best practices, and data-driven decision making.
- Workforce Solutions Are Driven by the Needs of Businesses and Workers: Businesses inform and guide the workforce system and access skilled talent as they shape regional workforce investments and build a pipeline of skilled workers. Businesses will provide leadership in the workforce system and active participation in the development and provision of education and training, work-based learning, career pathways, and industry sector partnerships. Job candidates and workers, have the information and guidance to make informed decisions about training and careers, as well as access to the education, training, and support services they need to compete in current and future labor markets.
- WIN Job Centers Provide Excellent Customer Service to Job candidates, Workers and Employers and Focus on Continuous Improvement: WIN Job Centers and partners provide job candidates with the skills and credentials necessary to secure and advance in employment with family-sustaining wages. WIN Job Centers also enable employers to easily identify and hire skilled workers and access other supports including education and training for their current workforce. Further, rigorous evaluations support continuous improvement of WJCs by identifying which strategies work better for different populations in the state; local areas and training providers remain accountable for performance; high-quality, integrated data informs policy maker, employer and job candidate decision making; and training providers are accountable for performance using the data and evidence.
- The Workforce System Supports Strong Regional Economies: Meeting workforce needs is critical to economic growth. The State Workforce Development Board and local workforce development boards—in partnership with workforce, economic development, education, and social service organizations at the state, regional and local levels—align education and training investments to regional civic and economic growth strategies, ensuring that all job candidates and businesses can access pathways to prosperity.

The United States Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration has launched the WorkforceGPS website.
The site provides information and resources for States, local areas, non-profits and other grantees, and other stakeholders to assist with implementation of WIOA. Additional resources will be added as they become available. The site complements the principal WIOA policy and technical assistance website at
You are not required to register for WorkforceGPS, but signing up for a free account and creating a profile unlocks all of the perks of the site. To register, click here.